Meandros Conversion Trigger Mechanism Nitro RB or Nitro SB - Spearfishing Experts
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Meandros Conversion Trigger Mechanism Nitro RB or Nitro SB

The RB or SB are stainless reverse trigger mechanisms for handles RABITECH, or MAKO & SPORASUB VIPER type. The installation is so simple that it can be installed easily by any user within 2 minutes.The mechanism has a heel for easy arming and is specially designed for the thermoplastic handle of RABITECH & SPORASUB VIPER. It greatly improves and resolves all utilitarian and technical problems related to the original mechanism. It is easy to install with minimal conversion to the heel reinforcement using the original pins of the handle at the same points as well as the original line release position. It self-centers the spear-shaft 6.2 cm further back in relation to the classic front mechanism and can accept extra notch rods. It has an excellent line of sight and is designed for sensitivity unaffected by load and it also has an optimal tilt angle, distance and rotation of the trigger placement. As with other products of the company, the line release tappets is operated independently of the trigger & rod and thus prevents the phenomenon of a hard trigger as well as the deformation and distortion of the profile of the shot. The innovative and pioneering operating system of this mechanism with tappets is Patent protected. Any change or modification with respect to the shape, size, dimensions, materials of construction and assembly and other variety of application fields, if not a new inventive step and is not similar to the technique already known, will be considered a copy of portion and aims at the aspirations of the present invention.